Dress Code

Primary Classes
Ages 2-5
Tiny Tots - Pink Skirted Leo, Pink Tights, Pink Ballet Shoes
Pre-K/Kinder Combo - Pink Skirted Leo, Pink Tights, Pink Ballet Shoes, Black Tap Shoe
Pre-Ballet - Pink Skirted Leo, Pink Tights, Pink Ballet Shoes
Pre-K Jazz/Tap - Pink Skirted Leo, Pink Tights, Tan Jazz Shoes, Black Tap Shoes

Beginner Classes
Starting at Age 6
Ballet - Black Skirted Leo, Pink Tights, Pink Ballet Shoes
Jazz, Tech & Acro - Black Leotard, Black Tight Fitted Shorts or Leggings, Tan Jazz Shoes, No Shoes for Acro
Hip Hop - Athletic Attire & Sneakers
Tap - Black Leotard, Tight Fitted Shorts or Leggings, Black Tap Shoes

Leveled Classes
Teen/Level 1-6
Ballet - Black Leo, Pink Tights, Pink Ballet Shoes, Skirt Optional (absolutely no shorts or leggings)
Jazz, Tech & Acro - Black Leotard, Black Tight Fitted Shorts or Leggings, Tan Jazz Shoes, No Shoes for Acro
Hip Hop - Athletic Attire & Sneakers
Tap - Black Leotard, Tight Fitted Shorts or Leggings, Black Tap Shoes
Lyrical & Contemporary - Black Leotard, Black Tight Fitted Shorts or Leggings, Nude Half Soles
For all ballet classes, hair must be in a clean ballet bun. For all other classes, a low pony with middle part

Company Classes
Tight Fitted Athletic Clothing, Leotards, RDA Dancewear & Appropriate Footwear.
Absolutely No Baggy Shirts or Pants/Shorts.
Hair Must be Out of Face.